Saturday, 19 May 2012


I'm sorry that I'm not a good enough friend.I'm sorry that I can't buy you the things you want.I'm sorry that I'd prefer to be honest than small talk with your parents.I'm sorry that I don't hug you.I'm sorry that I'm always a dissapointment and I'm sorry that I don't live far enough away to hop on a plane home and surprise you.I'm sorry that I refuse to deny what I believe and I'm sorry that I let other things be part of my life aside from you.

I'm sorry that I don't give you my undivided attention and I'm sorry that you don't appreciate that you're always in my prayers.I'm sorry that I hold things back to protect you and I'm sorry that my hours of listening weren't any help.I'm sorry that I told you everything,I wish you had told me that you didn't want to know.I'm sorry that my family took you under their wing,if you didn't like it you should have said.

I'm sorry that you think I'm stupid,I try my best but I can't do much more.I'm sorry that to you my opinion is worthless and I'm sorry that I ever tried my hardest that day.

I'm sorry that you feel the way you feel,I can't fix you,it has to come from you.I'm sorry that I misunderstood what you said and I'm sorry that I didn't do what you wanted me to.

I try to think of the bad things in a positive way and I know you don't like that but I don't like how you speak to me so I'm going to do it anyway.You're stubborn yourself so you shouldn't judge me.

I think of myself as a daisy.I'm made up of petals.Every time you want from me I give you a petal but I've given so much I've none left.All that's left is the yellow centre.I know how you'd view that.Useless.But really I've got a lot left.The centre is where all the nectar is.Although I don't always give it is spread without me knowing.You need to do the same,step out of the greenhouse and into the real world.I'll be okay,my petals will grow back.

I'm sorry that I let you down but I'm always here if you need.Please don't forget that.If you come crawling back I won't turn you away.I'm sorry that this is written here but I've got to get it out somehow.

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