Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a hearing world as a deaf person.I know what I want to say but the world isn't providing me with a means to do so.I can wave my hands all I like but people still don't understand.I can point and hint but nobody will get the full message. I have had this thought in my head for months an I know I should do something about it.I know I should buy I'm scared.I'm scared of the consequences if it all goes wrong and I'm scared of what other people will think.I'm letting this thought consume me to the point that I can't think of anything else.Its everywhere I go.I feel like I can't fully explain myself if I'm dependant on my voice alone. I feel like a little car stopped behind a big bin truck,I can't see around this obstacle.I am indicating,hinting,hinting,hinting.I look like I know what I want and where I am going but in reality I am the terrified learner in the driver seat.I'm not experienced enough at life to judge situations.As I indicate I must look in the rear view mirror.What's behind me scares me and holds me back.In order to move forward you must learn from the past but I'm scared what I see in the mirror,scared that something just as daunting could be on the other side of this truck.I can't see what's ahead of the truck and it's fear of the unknown that's wearing me down.My wing mirror gives me little insight,I can see me,the car.I look confident but in reality I'm not.I'm stuck there,indicating,hesitating,scared to move.I'm hoping someone will take the wheel and drive for me.If I sit there any longer I'll begin to run out of fuel,tiring myself out. So,I can make excuses all I want.I can blame my lack of confidence,or fear.Reality is before long the bin truck will move off.Eventually I'll be faced with the open road.I can't hide behind the truck forever.Real life isn't a blog and I can't always use imagery to explain myself.I will soon reach a point when I will have to bite the bullet and say what I want to say.

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